Functions of Printers with Edible Ink

Nowadays, Printers with Edible Ink are widely being used by the most cake manufacturers across the globe. This piece of hardware can be connected to a computer, or a camera, or a smart phone, and using it one can print one’s favorite picture on an edible sheet (icing sheet) to decorate a cake. It is the newest trend to have cakes with a picture.

Canon, one of the largest printer brands, offers a wide range of edible printers that are capable of printing images for cake decoration. These are the normal high capacity image printers that come with cartridges having edible ink inside.

The edible ink is made from vegetable oils and colors extracted from various connatural maternities. The images printed from these printers with edible inks are very much edible and potable. There is definitely no harm in consuming cakes with images.

Printing is so easy; to print an edible image from an edible printer you need to place an icing sheet into the printer, and give the print command; just like you do while using a regular printer.