What Is 3D Printed Meat?

food-printersOkay, this might look like we’re joking, but 3D food printing is actually a very real thing. 3D printed meat is slowly becoming a reality, and in the last couple of years, numerous products have been made.

Yes, that red meat you know and love can now be 3D printed. If you’re looking to find out more about the evolution of this phenomenon and how it can affect your diet, then you’re exactly where you need to be right now. Who knows, food printers could be the highlight of your next Christmas dinner?

What Has Been Made?

Ever heard about the Spanish startup called Novameat? They were the first to initiate meat-free projects. The ingredients they used included peas, seaweed, and rice. They turn all of these healthy ingredients into food paste which are then used in food printers for 3D printing.

These ingredients mimic the proteins you find in real meat products. The steak may not look that tasty for now, but the company states that there’s still a lot of room for improvement.

As you can see, this food printing thing is very real. You might just be eating 3D printed meat sooner than you’d expect. Animal meat production has huge impacts on the climate and on greenhouse gas emissions. This means that it could literally help save the environment. Furthermore, it could also prove the perfect alternative for those who aren’t fully ready to give up meat completely.

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