A new market for Inkedibles to explore???
Tattooing is a form of body art by injecting ink into the skin and has been practiced for centuries in many cultures, China, India ,Egypt, Philippines, Europe, Japan, Persia, New Zealand , Taiwan Tattoo comes from the Tahitian language tatau and was introduced into the English language by Cook’s expedition. For spiritual or decorative purpose, a tattoo is a message not on paper but on our skin. Whether you love or hate them, statistics of November 2013 tells us that Annual amount spent in US is 1.65 billion, The total amount of Americans that have at least 1 tattoo:
45 Million Number of Tattoo Parlors in the US: 21,000
Average cost small Tattoo $45
Average cost large Tattoo $ 150
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, taste cannot be discussed bit obviously it boils down to the essence of this article again we simply need INK, skin-safe INK.
One of the oldest recipes is Ancient Roman, using Egyptian pine bark, corroded bronze, vinegar, gall insect deposit, iron sulphate mixed with water and leek juice, prick design with needles until blood is drawn, rub in the ink, (by roman physician Aetius)
Tattoo INKS today:
Regulated by FDA, regulation 65 in California, Tattoo INKS consist of pigments combined with a carrier, available in a range of colors that can be thinned or mixed.
Inkedibles is evaluating the possibility of using its edible inks (which are of course, food grade, and FDA compliant) for use as temporary Tattoo inks. The chemists and marketing experts of Inkedibles are researching and testing existing and new Inkedibles edible ink formulations for color stay properties and other properties needed.